In an effort to ensure a safe arrival and dismissal of our students, please note and adhere to the following items:
Blocking Driveways
Parents, if you drop off or pick up your child on Crawford, please do not block the driveways of our neighbors. We’ve had multiple complaints over the years about parents blocking driveways making it impossible for our residents to get in and out of their driveway.
One Way Traffic
Our parking for the drop-off in the morning and pick-up in the afternoon is ONE WAY traffic. Vehicles need to circle the outside of the parking lot when they are picking up kids or if they are going to park their car and walk to the sidewalk to pick up their children (counterclockwise). When our parking lot becomes TWO-WAY traffic because people are exiting from different places in the parking lot, we end up with a jam.
U Turns on Crawford
Although U-turns are not illegal on Crawford, please exercise caution when making them on Crawford Street. Many drivers are making unsafe U-turns putting the safety of our kids and our community at risk. Make U-turns in the proper are in front of the bus loop.
Cross Walks
PLEASE use the cross walk to get back and forth from the parking lot to the building. If you are picking up your child and you are not in the hug-and-go lane, park your car, cross at the crosswalk, pick up your child and cross over the crosswalk again to get back to your car. Please be a good role model for our children
Cell Phones
Driving through busy school traffic while you are on your cell phone may compromise the safety of our students. Please wait to make your phone calls AFTER you are out of the school traffic.